Narcissists, psychopaths and destablisers in organisations and communities.

Many organisations and communities now have legal and regulatory requirements to protect from the behaviours we see in narcissists, psychopaths, and destabilisers.

Unfortunately, we don’t always recognise the signs, signals, and tactics of higher functioning narcissists and psychopaths for many reasons, two of the most important being:

  • Most of the research conducted on narcissists and psychopaths has been carried out on incarcerated populations and is not fully representative or nuanced regarding higher functioning people of Dark Personality.

  • We have not been educated effectively about what motivates them, how they behave, the specific tactics they use to undermine and harm others and how to recognise the danger they present to others.

Below are some comments relating to narcissists and psychopaths in several different organisations and communities, as highlighted in Karen Mitchell’s PhD.

Psychopath and narcissists in religion, and charities.

Higher functioning psychopaths and narcissists are drawn to religions and charities for several reasons. Religions and charities are generally composed of ‘well-meaning’ people who are less likely to see past their façade; governance and other factors intended to produce accountability are usually weak; they contain vulnerable people who are attractive to predators; the cultures promote forgiveness; and the reputation for ‘goodness’ of these organisations provides a ‘cover’ for their nefariousness. In addition, people of Dark Personality will often associate themselves specifically with charities which correlate with their chosen areas of nefariousness, so those who engage in paedophilia, for example, will associate themselves with a charity which supports children who have been sexually abused.


Psychopath and narcissists in politics.

People of Dark Personality in political leadership roles have an extreme and far-reaching impact on humanity. They are drawn to politics because of the ability to exert control and power; the potential for being in the spotlight; the limited requirement for specialist skills; and the potential to gain financially through bribes, kickbacks, and perks. At its worst, narcissists and psychopaths who are political leaders, in particular circumstances, may inflate the psyche of a national group to the point of belief that military conquest is required if other countries do not accept the superiority of their nation and wars are the ultimate outcome.


Psychopath and narcissists in schools.

Psychopaths and narcissists have no boundaries regarding sexuality. Many have proclivities which centre on children. It has been established that people of Dark Personality will engage in training and education programs that put them in the vicinity of children. Teaching and spiritual qualifications are often their way of getting access to children.


Psychopath and narcissists in sport.

People of Dark Personality are powerfully drive by control, dominance and winning. They are drawn to competitive sport, particularly if they have talent. In sport, narcissists and psychopaths assert all their characteristics, including bullying adversaries (often out of sight of others); cheating; spreading negative rumours about adversaries, their coaches, and family members; attributing their own nefarious deeds to their adversaries; bribery; eliciting sympathy from others by claiming to be the victim and/or false injuries/illness; sabotaging competitor equipment and so on. Parents who are psychopaths and narcissists and whose children show sporting promise, also manifest these behaviours towards other children (and often their families), who represent a competitive threat. They see their children in competitive sport as an extension of themselves.


Psychopaths and narcissists in domestic violence, including coercive control.

Narcissists and psychopaths as partners, including those who assert coercive control, impose a type of terrorism on their targets/victims. Their behaviours are driven by control and a sadistic enjoyment of pain, disadvantage, and humiliation in others. Behaviours may include intimidation, vengeance, isolation, demeaning, provocation, fabrication, confusion, delaying, blaming, confounding, weaponisation of the justice system and so much more. They also manipulate the community of the target to believe they are the victims, and the target/victim is the aggressor through an extensively manipulated false narrative which destroys the support network of the victim/target. Coercive intimate partner violence, involving Dark Personality traits, has been associated with depression, substance abuse and/or suicidality in targets/victims (Stark, 2007). Outcomes for children with a parent who has Dark Personality traits, where physical violence is not involved, include inappropriate behaviour at school, depression, aggression, delinquency, anxiety, developmental delay, substance use, and suicidality.

(Dishion & Snyder, 2016; Katz 2016, 2022; Katz, Nikupeteri, & Laitinen, 2019; Michalak & Ashkanasy, 2020).

Many organisations and communities now have legal and regulatory requirements to protect from the behaviours we see in narcissists, psychopaths, and destabilisers.

Consulting and advisory.

Do you have someone in your organisation or community who is highly valued but whose behaviour appears to be at times compromising to others?

Do you have someone in your community who seems to polarise people, they have a high level of respect as well as a group that is passionately against them? Are you wondering whether this person is indeed good or bad for the organisation or community and if you should do anything about it?

Are you being undermined, potentially intimidated, and compromised by someone that others don’t ‘see through’ because of their charming and/or ‘normal’ façade?

Do you feel uncomfortable about the way someone in your organisation or community is speaking or acting in relation to relationships and sexuality, but you are unsure if the person has crossed any boundaries or whether you are just being overly sensitive?

Are you being subjected to behaviours in any relationship which you find controlling, intimidating, and/or unusual, behaviours that are compromising your mental health, your relationships with others, your reputation and/or the way others view you?

If your answer to any of the questions above is ‘yes’, then chances are you are dealing with a narcissist or psychopath, someone of Dark Personality.

We work with organisations, communities, and individuals to address concerns relating to suspected people of Dark Personality. We advise on strategies to minimise risks to individuals and organisations and offer potential solutions. We also work with people on addressing the fall-out of these kinds of people, the often-substantial damage they inflict.

At The Kalmor Institute we are experts on the behaviours, motivations, and impact of psychopaths and narcissists. We are discreet in our dealings with communities and individuals and sensitive to the needs of all involved.

Training and education.

Training and education programs we offer for organisations and communities related to people of Dark Personality are included below. Our programs are designed to build awareness, insight, confidence, and capability. We use a mixture of electronic and in-person delivery processes and tailor our programs to your organisation’s needs and context.

Our programs.

  • Contact the Kalmor Institute for a program outline.

  • Contact the Kalmor Institute for a program outline.

  • Contact the Kalmor Institute for a program outline.

  • Contact the Kalmor Institute for a program outline.

Coaching and on-on-one work.

We often find leaders and others are unfamiliar with the full set of tactics used by people of Dark Personality and because the nature of their harm is often covert and may be difficult to believe, targets/victims are often ignored or brushed off.

We also find employees impacted by high functioning psychopaths and narcissists, people of Dark Personality, struggle to communicate the depth of abuse they are experiencing as it is psychologically oriented, lacks transparency, and they are fearful of repercussions.

Most organisational and community coaches and psychologists do not understand the complexity, malevolence, and manipulative skill of those of Dark Personality. In fact, many are ‘taken in’ by them or may advise the targets/victims incorrectly.

We offer individual coaching, counselling and one-on-one work for people who are leading, working with and/or experiencing the impact of people suspected to be of Dark Personality.

We also offer individual coaching and one-on-one work with leaders who are trying to exit people suspected to be of Dark Personality from workplaces, organisations, and communities.  

Our coaching and counselling programs are packaged in four session packages.

Presentations and speaking engagements.

We offer presentations for large groups, such as conferences, on various topics associated with people of Dark Personality. Presentations are tailored to suit your organisation or community and may involve elements of audience involvement for greater engagement.

Presentations and public speaking engagement topics include:

  • Recognising people of Dark Personality

  • Narcissists and psychopaths addressing the risks and preventing harm in your organisation or community.

  • How forensic specialists counter the DARVO approach in the interrogation process.

  • What is coercive control? Understanding the motivations, behaviours, and tactics of coercive controllers.

  • Coercive control and its application across a range of communities including cults, child prostitution, domestic abuse, terrorism, workplaces, parenting, and others.